The New Social Environment#657
GENUINE HORNY GOAT: A Rail Reading curated by Catherine Chen
Featuring Chen, Tara Jayakar, Sreshtha Sen, Inam Kang, and Devyn Mañibo
1 p.m. Eastern / 10 a.m. Pacific
This event is produced by The Brooklyn Rail. Learn how you can donate ✨🌈
Catherine Chen curates our 105th Wednesday Rail Reading Series with Tara Jayakar, Sreshtha Sen, Inam Kang, and Devyn Mañibo.
In this talk
Tara Jayakar

A poet, editor, and artist, Tara Jayakar’s work has been published in the Chicago Reader, The Shoreline Review, Yes Poetry, and Hobart, among others. Tara Jayakar is the founder of Raptor Editing & Press.
Inam Kang
![Photo of [Inam Kang] Photo of [Inam Kang]](../../../../../media/files/img_0991-3.jpeg?nf_resize=fit&w=250)
The work of Pakistani-born poet and curator Inam Kang can be found in the Shallow Ends, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, AAWW’s The Margins, The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 3: Halal If You Hear Me and other journals and anthologies. He is the winner of the 2017 Winter Tangerine Award and the 2019 Gordon Square Review Poetry Contest. The winner of a Pushcart Prize, he is also the current administrative director of Winter Tangerine Workshops and a Tin House Summer Workshop alumnus.
Devyn Lorelei Mañibo

Jersey-bred, Brooklyn-based maker, feeder, and arts worker Devyn Lorelei Mañibo has had poetry, book art, and multimedia installation work presented and published internationally in festivals, museums, and journals including the MIX NYC Queer Experimental Film Festival, the National Queer Arts Festival, the Queens Museum, Sixty Inches from Center, TAYO Literary Magazine, Bitch Magazine, The Brooklyn Rail, and The Chicago Reader. She was a 2020 Tin House Summer Workshop Scholar in poetry, the co-editor of already felt: poems in revolt & bounty, and she is the face behind the newsletter at the Asian American Writers’ Workshop. She is currently working on a long term project centered on the poetics of radical hospitality entitled good luck.
Sreshtha Sen
![Photo of [Sreshtha Sen] by Shazlie Khan Photo of [Sreshtha Sen] by Shazlie Khan](../../../../../media/files/sreshtha-author-pic_small-2-e1633409935872.webp?nf_resize=fit&w=250)
A poet from Delhi, IndiaSreshtha Sen is one of the founding editors of The Shoreline Review, an online journal for & by south asian poets. Their work has been published or is forthcoming in journals including Apogee, Arkansas International, BOAAT, bitch media, Hyphen Magazine, Hyperallergic, Meridian, Rumpus, Split Lip Magazine, The Margins and won an Amy Award from Poets & Writers in 2017. They studied Literatures in English from Delhi University and completed their MFA at Sarah Lawrence College, New York. She was the 2017-18 McCrindle Foundations Fellow for Readings/Workshops at Poets & Writers, and currently teaches at UNLV in Las Vegas as a Black Mountain Institute PhD Fellow in Poetry.
Catherine Chen

Poet Catherine Chen is the author of the forthcoming collection Beautiful Machine Woman Language (Noemi Press 2023). Working with sound, text, and movement, they explore the space between collective memory and archive in the transhistorical context of postcolonial time, grief, and labor. A Lambda Literary and Poets House fellow, they have received fellowships from Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (Arts Center 2021), Theater Mitu, and Monson Arts Center.
❤️ 🌈 We'd like to thank the The Terra Foundation for American Art for making these daily conversations possible, and for their support of our growing archive.