The New Social Environment#650

Umber Majeed: Made in Trans-Pakistan

Featuring Majeed and Andrew Woolbright


1 p.m. Eastern / 10 a.m. Pacific

Artist Umber Majeed joins Rail contributor Andrew Woolbright. We conclude with a poetry reading by Pony P.

In this talk

Visit Umber Majeed: Made in Trans-Pakistan, on view at Pioneer Works through December 11, 2022 →

Umber Majeed

A photograph of Umber Majeed.
Multidisciplinary visual artist and educator Umber Majeed (b. New York, 1989) received her MFA from Parsons the New School for Design in 2016. Her writing, performance, and animation work engage with familial archives to explore Pakistani state, urban, and digital infrastructure through a feminist lens. Majeed has shown in venues across Pakistan, North America. Her most recent group exhibition was the Technology Residency, Pioneer Works, Brooklyn (2020) and her most recent solo exhibition was ‘Trans-Pakistan Zindabad (Facts about the Earth)’, at 1708 Gallery, Richmond, Virginia (2021).

Andrew Woolbright

Andrew Woolbright
Artist, curator, and critic Andrew Woolbright is based in Brooklyn, New York, and is an MFA graduate from RISD in painting. Woolbright is the founder and director of the gallery Below Grand located on the Lower East Side in New York. In addition to curating, he is an Editor-at-Large at the Brooklyn Rail. In 2021, Woolbright curated the show Density Betrays Us with Angela Dufresne and Cash Ragona at the Hole; and curated shows at Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center and Hesse Flatow in the summer or 2022. He currently teaches at School of Visual Arts and Pratt Institute and is a 2021-2022 resident at the Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program in Dumbo.

The Rail has a tradition of ending our conversations with a poetry reading, and we’re fortunate to have Pony P. reading.

Pony P.

Photo of Pony P.
Based in Philadelphia, Pony P. (Aimee) is an artist and poet. Primarily working in fiber, sculpture, and installation, their work is a testament to interconnectivity and empathy, cultivated through the gestural potential of material and ritual. Their practice is largely informed by dreamwork, western esotericism, and art education. Current research topics are: hypnosis, Victorian consumption and fashion, nomadic architecture, and the relationship between insanity and divinity. They hold a BFA in Fibers from MICA and have since furthered their practice at Mt Lebanon Residency, Craigardan, Mildred’s Lane, Fiberhouse Collective, and the Center for Deep Listening.

❤️ 🌈 We'd like to thank the The Terra Foundation for American Art for making these daily conversations possible, and for their support of our growing archive.