The New Social Environment#592
Radical Poetry Reading with Joey De Jesus
Featuring De Jesus, Marie Hinson, Shanekia McIntosh, Leila Ortiz, and B Taylor
1 p.m. Eastern / 10 a.m. Pacific
This event is produced by The Brooklyn Rail. Learn how you can donate ✨🌈
Joey De Jesus curates the 92nd Radical Poetry Reading, with Marie Hinson, Shanekia McIntosh, Leila Ortiz, and B Taylor
In this talk
Marie Hinson
![A black and white photo of [Marie Hinson] holding white pages, taking a selfie in a mirror. A black and white photo of [Marie Hinson] holding white pages, taking a selfie in a mirror.](../../../../../media/files/marie-hinson.jpg?nf_resize=fit&w=250)
Marie Hinson is a queer and trans artist from rural Appalachia practicing poetry, performance, and documentary in NYC. Her first solo performance work, Stop on the Object / Move on the Image debuted at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 2019. She published her first chapbook Please Remit My Qubits: A trans hex on the birth of quantum supremacy with the Operating System in 2020. Her work has also been included in commissions and programming at the Center for Book Arts, Vox Populi, and the Scribe Video Center. She is currently a part time virtual reality cat girl building immersive performance environments in cyberspace.
Shanekia McIntosh

Poet and performer Shanekia McIntosh creates interdisciplinary work inspired by the black diaspora. She aims to disrupt and confront historical colonial erasure utilizing the thematic palettes of dislocation, trauma, migration, climate crisis and afro-futurism. Her work has been featured in the New Museum, Second Ward Foundation, Charim Galerie, Portland Institute of Contemporary Art’s TBA Festival, Hudson Hall, NY Live Arts, ICA at VCU, Basilica Hudson and more, with recent work being published in Chronogram, Apogee Journal and The TENTH Magazine. Her debut chapbook, Spiral as Ritual, was released December 2021 by Topos Press.
Leila Ortiz
![A photo of [Leila Ortiz]. A photo of [Leila Ortiz].](../../../../../media/files/leila-.jpg?nf_resize=fit&w=250)
Poet and social worker in NYC public schools Leila Quinn Ortiz was born in Loisaida (the Lower East Side) and moved to Park Slope, Brooklyn in early childhood. She is the author of Girl Life (Recreation League 2016) and A Mouth is Not a Place (dancing girl press 2017).
B Taylor
![A photo of [B Taylor]. A photo of [B Taylor].](../../../../../media/files/pxl_20220603_003200540.portrait_2.jpg?nf_resize=fit&w=250)
Vocalist and multi-instrumentalist B Taylor is currently working in data privacy at Microsoft. Views my own, no legal advice.
Joey De Jesus
![A photo of [Joey de Jesus] standing on a platform with a microphone, finger pointing up mid-speech. A photo of [Joey de Jesus] standing on a platform with a microphone, finger pointing up mid-speech.](../../../../../media/files/183872166_113876280855113_6164805657644888451_n.jpg?nf_resize=fit&w=250)
Poet, editor, educator and former candidate for New York State Assembly, Joey De Jesus is the author of HOAX (forthcoming Operating System), and chapbooks: We Animate the Dream: A Poet’s Run for Public Office (Mount Analog Political Pamphlet Series II, 2021) and NOCT- The Threshold of Madness (The Atlas Review, 2019). Joey received the 2019-20 BRIC ArtFP Project Room Commission and 2017 NYFA/NYSCA Fellowship in Poetry for HOAX. Poems have appeared in Poem-A-Day, Artists Space, Barrow Street, Bettering American Poetry, The Brooklyn Rail, The New Museum and elsewhere. Joey is a co-editor at Apogee Journal and sits on the advisory board of No, Dear Magazine. Joey lives in Ridgewood where they ran a socialist, abolitionist campaign for New York State Assembly District 38.
❤️ 🌈 We'd like to thank the The Terra Foundation for American Art for making these daily conversations possible, and for their support of our growing archive.