The New Social Environment#537
A Reading for Gregory Corso
Featuring Brenda Coultas, Kyle Dacuyan, Tenaya Nasser-Frederick, Simon Pettet, and Rachelle Rahmé
1 p.m. Eastern / 10 a.m. Pacific
This event is produced by The Brooklyn Rail. Learn how you can donate ✨🌈
Join us for a poetry reading in tribute to Gregory Corso, hosted by Rail Poetry Editor Anselm Berrigan.
In this talk
Brenda Coultas

Brenda Coultas is the author of five collections of poetry, including The Tatters (Wesleyan University Press, 2014) and The Marvelous Bones of Time (Coffee House Press, 2007). Her work can be found in Bomb, The Brooklyn Rail, and the anthology Readings in Contemporary Poetry (Dia). Her new book, The Writing of an Hour, is just out from Wesleyan University Press in 2022.
Kyle Dacuyan

Poet, performer, and translator Kyle Dacuyan is the author of Incitements (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2022). His poems appear in the Brooklyn Rail, DIAGRAM, Lambda Literary, Best New Poets, among other places. He is the recipient of scholarships from Poets House, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Sewanee Writers’ Conference, and the Academy of American Poets, and is a 2021 NEA Fellow in Literature. Dacuyan is the Executive Director of The Poetry Project at St. Mark’s and lives in New York City.
Tenaya Nasser-Frederick

Tenaya Nasser-Frederick is the author of two chapbooks, Penumbra Highway (Gas Meter, 2018) and Lavender Cats (1080 press, 2020). Poems have appeared in the _Brooklyn Rail, Castle Greyskull, the Brooklyn Review, and EBB.
Simon Pettet

English-born poet Simon Pettet is long-time resident of New York’s Lower East Side. Hearth, his Collected Poems, appeared in 2010 and As A Bee (a welcome addenda to the Collected Poems) appeared recently from Talisman, which also issued his Selected Poems (1995) and More Winnowed Fragments (2006). He compiled and edited the Selected Art Writings (Black Sparrow, 1998) of the “New York School” poet James Schuyler, and co-edited (with James Meetze) Other Flowers (FSG, 2010), Schuyler’s posthumous poems. He made two collaborations with photographer-filmmaker Rudy Burckhardt – Conversations about Everything (Vehicle, 1987) and Talking Pictures (Zoland, 1994), as well as a fine-arts limited edition, Abundant Treasures (Granary Books, 2001) with painter Duncan Hannah.
Rachelle Rahmé

Born in Jounieh, Lebanon, Rachelle Rahmé is a Lebanese-American poet and independent scholar. She is the author of Count Thereof Upon the Other’s Limbs (72 Press, 2019) and two chapbooks, most recently Bataille’s Eggs (blush, 2021). Her translations of Georges Bataille were published as 27 Poems on Death by o•blēk editions in 2021. Her poems have appeared in The Brooklyn Rail and 3fold, among others. She is a 2021-2022 ESB Fellow at the Poetry Project. Her work in sound has been presented by Issue Project Room, PS1, and others. Rahmé holds a Masters in Philosophy from the New School for Social Research. She is a co-editor at blush, and lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.
❤️ 🌈 We'd like to thank the The Terra Foundation for American Art for making these daily conversations possible, and for their support of our growing archive.