The New Social Environment#278

Julie Mehretu with Phong H. Bui


1 p.m. Eastern / 10 a.m. Pacific

Artist Julie Mehretu joins Rail Publisher and Artistic Director Phong H. Bui for a conversation. We conclude with a poetry reading.

In this talk

Julie Mehretu

Julie Mehretu, photo by Teju Cole
Photo credit: Teju Cole
(b. 1970, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) lives and works in New York City. In exploring palimpsests of history, from geological time to a modern day phenomenology of the social, Julie Mehretu’s works engage us in a dynamic visual articulation of contemporary experience, a depiction of social behavior and the psychogeography of space. Mehretu’s work is informed by a multitude of sources including politics, literature and music. Most recently her paintings have incorporated photographic images from broadcast media which depict conflict, injustice, and social unrest. Mehretu’s practice in painting, drawing and printmaking equally assert the role of art to provoke thought and reflection, and express the contemporary condition of the individual and society.

Phong H. Bui

Photo of Phong Bui taken by Nicola Delorme
Photo by Nicola Delorme
Phong H. Bui is an artist, writer, independent curator, and Co-Founder and Publisher/Artistic Director of the Brooklyn Rail, Rail Editions, River Rail and Rail Curatorial Projects.

❤️ 🌈 We'd like to thank the The Terra Foundation for American Art for making these daily conversations possible, and for their support of our growing archive.