The New Social Environment#226
Radical Poetry Reading with Drew Pham
Featuring political poetry read by Leor Stylar, benedict nguyễn, Erika Dane Kielsgard, and marcus scott williams.
1 p.m. Eastern / 10 a.m. Pacific
This event is produced by The Brooklyn Rail. Learn how you can donate ✨🌈
Poet Drew Pham curates the 23rd Radical Poetry Reading, featuring Leor Stylar, benedict nguyễn, Erika Dane Kielsgard, and marcus scott williams.
In this talk
Drew Pham

Drew Pham is a queer, transgender writer of Vietnamese heritage, a child of war refugees, and an adjunct English lecturer at CUNY Brooklyn College. Previously, she served in the US Army and deployed to Afghanistan with the 10th Mountain Division. She has published in Blunderbuss Magazine, McSweeny’s, Slice Magazine, Foreign Policy, Time Magazine, The Daily Beast, and Columbia Journal, among others. She serves as an editor at The Wrath-Bearing Tree, an online literary journal focused on themes of societal violence. She lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.
Leor Stylar

Leor Stylar is a poet and fiction writer living in NYC. Their interests include digital game-making, Jewish folklore and ritual, bodies of water, and gay joy. They are an MFA candidate in Poetry at CUNY Queens College.
benedict nguyễn

benedict nguyễn is a dancer, writer, and curator based on occupied Lenape and Wappinger lands (South Bronx, NY). Their criticism has appeared in the Brooklyn Rail, Danspace Project’s Journal, Shondaland, the Establishment, Culturebot, among others. Their poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in AAWW’s the Margins, Flypaper, and PANK. They’ve performed in DapperQ Fashion week and in recent works by Sally Silvers, José Rivera, Jr., Monstah Black, and more. As the 2019 Suzanne Fiol Curatorial Fellow at ISSUE Project Room, they created the multidisciplinary performance platform “soft bodies in hard places.” They publish a monthly-ish newsletter “first quarter moon slush” on substack and are sometimes online @xbennyboo.
Erika Dane Kielsgard

Erika Kielsgard lives and loves in Jersey City. She teaches English literature and creative writing for CUNY and is an alumna of Brooklyn College’s MFA Program, where she serves as an editor-at-large of The Brooklyn Review. Her poems have found generous homes in Bone Bouquet, Cordella Magazine, The Penn Review, and others; most recently, you can find her fiction in Maudlin House. She’s reading Magdalena Zurawski’s pamphlet: Being Human Is an Occult Practice (Ugly Duckling Presse), and The Plague by Albert Camus in preparation for Laura Marris’ new translation.
marcus scott williams

marcus scott williams is the author of “Sparse Black Whimsy: A Memoir” (2fast2house, 2017) and ‘damn near might still be is what it is’ (Noemi, 2022). He loves and appreciates you.
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