The New Social Environment#171

A Rail Reading curated by Cole Swensen

Featuring Etel Adnan, Biswamit Dwibedy, Susan Howe, Ghazal Mosadeq, and Swensen


1 p.m. Eastern / 10 a.m. Pacific

Poet Cole Swensen curates our 13th Wednesday Poetry Reading featuring Etel Adnan, Biswamit Dwibedy, Susan Howe, and Ghazal Mosadeq.

In this talk

Etel Adnan

A black and white photo of poet and painter Etel Adnan in a hillside meadow beneath clouds.
Simone Fattal
Etel Adnan was born on February 24, 1925, in Beirut, Lebanon. She studied philosophy at the Sorbonne in Paris, France, as well as at the University of California, Berkeley and Harvard University. She has written more than a dozen books of poetry, fiction, and essays, including Time (Nightboat Books, 2019), translated by Sarah Riggs and winner of the Griffin Poetry Prize, Surge (Nightboat Books, 2018), and Night (Nightboat Books, 2016). Her poetry collection Sea and Fog (Nightboat, 2012) won the Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Poetry and the California Book Award. She is also the recipient of a PEN Oakland-Josephine Miles Award and in 2014 was named a member of the Ordre de Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres, one of France’s highest cultural honors.

Biswamit Dwibedy

Biswamit Dwibedy
Ashwini Pratap Singh
Biswamit Dwibedy is the author of six collections of poetry, published in India and the United States, which include Ozalid (1913 Press), Hubble Gardener (Spuyten Duyvil), MC3 (Essay Press), and Ancient Guest (HarperCollins). In 2012, he edited a dossier of Indian poetry in translation from seven different regional languages for Aufgabe, published by Litmus Press, New York. He is also the founder and editor of Anew Print, a small press that publishes limited-edition chapbooks from writers in India and abroad. He has taught creative writing and arts practice at the Srishti Institute of Art, Design, and Technology in Bangalore, India, and now teaches at the American University of Paris.

Susan Howe

A photo of poet Susan Howe wearing glasses and looking to the side.
Nina Subin
Susan Howe’s most recent poetry collection is called Concordance. She is currently working on a new collaboration with the composer David Grubbs. She lives in Guilford CT.

Ghazal Mosadeq

A photo of poet Ghazal Mosadeq wearing glasses and smiling.
Courtesy Ghazal Mosadeq
Ghazal Mosadeq is a poet and translator. She is the founder of Pamenar Press, an independent cross-cultural, multi-lingual publisher based in UK, Canada and Iran.

Cole Swensen

A black and white photo of poet Cole Swensen.
Photo by Anthony Hayward
Cole Swensen has published 17 volumes of poetry and a collection of critical essays, Noise That Stays Noise. A book of hybrid poem-essays, Art in Time, is coming out from Nightboat in the spring. A former Guggenheim Fellow, she has been a finalist for the National Book Award and has been awarded the Iowa Poetry Prize, the SF State Poetry Center Book Award, and the National Poetry Series. She has also translated over 20 volumes of poetry, prose, and art criticism from French and won the 2004 PEN USA Award in Literary Translation.

โค๏ธ ๐ŸŒˆ We'd like to thank the The Terra Foundation for American Art for making these daily conversations possible, and for their support of our growing archive.