The New Social Environment#93
Martha Tuttle with Susan Harris
1 p.m. Eastern / 10 a.m. Pacific
This event is produced by The Brooklyn Rail. Learn how you can donate ✨🌈
Artist Martha Tuttle will discuss her body of work and creative life with scholar, curator, and Rail board member, Susan Harris. We’ll conclude with a poetry reading from Gabriel Dozal.
In this talk
Martha Tuttle

Martha Tuttle, a multidisciplinary artist born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, has shown her work throughout the U.S. and abroad. Natural materials of wool, silk, and dye are worked by hand, each resulting piece having undergone an immaterial transfer of energy through Tuttle’s physical and meditative touch. The artist’s relationship to materiality is revealed further by the inclusion of small “stones,” both actual and cast polished metal, and of fabricated steel weights. These elements add another layer of visual incident and mark-making, to further open a dialogue of possibility and substance, light, and weight. Overall, the unification of immaterial energy with material form results in constructed canvases and loosely hanging paintings that vibrate with a felt, unseen force.
Susan Harris

Susan Harris is co-president of the Board of the International Association of Art Critics, United States section (AICA-USA). She is an independent scholar and curator. Her most recent project is Managing Editor, Unfinished Memories: 30 Years of Exit Art, Steidl, 2016.
The Rail has a tradition of ending our conversations with a poetry reading, and we’re fortunate to have Gabriel Dozal reading.
Gabriel Dozal

Gabriel Dozal is from El Paso, TX. He received his MFA in poetry from The University of Arizona. His work appears in Guernica, The Iowa Review, The Brooklyn Rail, The Literary Review, Hunger Mountain, The Volta, Contra Viento, a Dozen Nothing, and forthcoming in Dreginald.
❤️ 🌈 We'd like to thank the The Terra Foundation for American Art for making these daily conversations possible, and for their support of our growing archive.