Donate to the Brooklyn Rail

Your generous support keeps the Rail independent, relevant, and free

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For the last twenty-three years, the Brooklyn Rail has worked tirelessly to ensure that important, primary arts information, along with the artists’ full expressions for the community, are being shared around the world at no cost to readers. We publish reviews, interviews, and critical essays about fine art, music, dance, theater, books, art books, politics, and—as of this year—architecture, and publish original poetry, fiction, theater writings, and translations.

The New Social Environment,” our daily lunchtime conversation series on Zoom, was an immediate response to the pandemic lockdowns that brought people together to discuss their creative practices and cultural contributions with imminent warmth. February 2024 will mark the thousandth episode of the series, which hosts artists, poets, activists, and other essential figures every weekday, with over one million people joining since its conception.

In January, Rail Curatorial Projects celebrated the closing of Singing in Unison, Part 7, a large-scale exhibition featuring over sixty artists in a newly renovated 16,000 square foot space. This fall, Rail Curatorial Projects returned to the venue to open Singing in Unison, Part 8: Between Waves, an exhibition encompassing contemporary images, stories, histories, and oceanic myths through the works of artists from the Asia-Pacific region. Over the course of the series we’ve welcomed 250,000 visitors l and plan to continue the “Singing in Unison” project in 2024.

We are committed to making the arts accessible, which is why we’ve increased our free distribution to over 200 locations throughout New York City and 29 states, while reaching a readership of over three million globally.

As a small non-profit, we need your support

Your contribution allows us to support the writers, editors, and designers who produced over 1,000 articles in print this year, as well as the artists, performers, and interviewers who make possible our endless public programming—including daily installments of the “New Social Environment,” poetry, music and dance performances, panel discussions, and curatorial projects.